• 最新 / 活動消息



會員年費為港幣100元, 請按刊登在本會網站www.rssa.org.hk的程序辦理入會手續,填妥的表格及存款記錄需傳送至電郵: hkrssa@gmail.com。

Dear members and peers,

Since the outbreak of the Covid-19, we (RSSA) have stayed firmly at our position to prompt the continuous development of the industry and make contribution to the stability of the society. In the meantime, we continue to exercise our best effort to protect the rights of our members.  For new polices about RSS, we have liaised with the government to reflect the views collected from the industry.
Given the onset of a new year, we sincerely invite current members to renew their membership and the interested peers to join our association, signifying the unity of RSS for preserving our rights.
Annual membership fee is HK$100. Please follow the procedure for enrolment stated in our website, www.rssa.org.hk. Completed application forms and bank deposit notes should be sent by e-mail to hkrssa@gmail.com.